Aurum Analytics is an independent business based in Perth, Western Australia providing information and analysis focusing primarily on the Australian and New Zealand gold mining industry. It was established in 2016, born as a by-product of Sam Ulrich’s research into the gold mining industry.

Aurum Analytics aims to provide a greater understanding of the gold mining industry, and the individual mines that constitute the industry, presenting the data in an informative and transparent manner.

Aurum Analytics information and data is used by researchers, mining companies, corporate advisors, financial institutions and individuals.


Aurum Analytics is an independent business based in Perth, Western Australia providing information and analysis focusing primarily on the Australian and New Zealand gold mining industry. It was established in 2016, born as a by-product of Sam Ulrich’s research into the gold mining industry.

Aurum Analytics aims to provide a greater understanding of the gold mining industry, and the individual mines that constitute the industry, presenting the data in an informative and transparent manner.

Aurum Analytics information and data is used by researchers, mining companies, corporate advisors, financial institutions and individuals.

Sam Ulrich - Director

PhD, BSc (Hons) Geology, GDipAppFin, MAusIMM, MAIG, FFin

Sam Ulrich is a geologist with over 25 years’ experience in exploration, resource development, management, and consulting primarily in gold in Australia and Asia.

Sam has a PhD and Honours degree in Geology and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment. He is a Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia and a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and Australian Institute of Geoscientists.

Sam’s PhD at The University of Western Australia’s Centre for Exploration Targeting is titled “Insights into the economic cost structure of gold mining: From all-in sustaining costs to quantifying externalities.”

Sam is also an employee of Ramelius Resources Limited, a mid-tier gold mining company.

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